
In July, last year, with Kev and Ken,
I went to the Tower and Big Ben.
We saw the Palace and Number 10,
But Not the Queen, so we'll go again!

In June, last year, with Jan and John,
I went to visit Washington,
But since the President had gone,
We went to see the Grand Canyon!

In March, last year, with my mate Ming,
I went on the train to visit Beijing.
We saw the crowds in the city, cycling,
And behind the Great Wall,a panda named Ping!

In August, last year, with my daddy,
I went to visit Italy.
We played a lot on the sand, by the sea,
Where I buried him and he buried me!

In April, last year, with Sam and Sue,
I went to visit Sydney's zoo.
We held a koala, and fed a kangaroo.
In April, next year, will you come too?

By Mike Murphy