Read these two poems aloud and try to find out the rhyming words.

Listen and look
by Mike Murphy

Come here students,
Listen and look!
Listen to and look at,
The poems in this book.

Poems about places,
People and things.
Poems about animals,
With and without wings.

Poems about dinosaurs,
Tigers and snakes.
Poems about chocolates,
Cookies and cakes.

Poems about insects,
Birds and bees.
Poems about flowers,
Plants and trees.

Poem about colours;
White, black and blue.
Poems that I've written,
Especially for you.

Poems for enjoyment.
Poems that are fun.
Poems you can read,
To your Dad and Mum.

Poems that have rhythm,
Poems that have rhyme.
I hope that you like them;
These poems of mine.

When I was a child
by Mike Murphy

When I was a child,
Story-books were true,
And everything I saw and felt,
Was wonderful and new.

When I was a child,
I'd talk with all my toys,
And live in worlds of make-believe,
Like other girls and boys.

When I was a child,
Dinosaurs weren't dead;
But were very much alive:
They lived inside my head.

When I was a child,
The full-moon was a face,
Smiling down upon the world,
From far away in space.

When I was a child,
The new-moon was a ship,
Slowly sailing in the sky,
Upon its monthly trip.

When I was a child,
I'd journey to the stars,
Imagining what life was like,
On Jupiter and Mars.

When I was a child,
My mind was fresh and free;
And I know it can be again,

In the world of poetry.
